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Which Businesses Can Benefit Most from WORKLINX?

The simple answer is...almost any business can benefit from the WORKLINX Business System Programme  because WORKLINX is easily adaptable to any work environment or size of business. Current successful companies employing WORKLINX include: printing, engineering, manufacturing, pharmacy, education, retail, veterinary- including a multi-location practice using WORKLINXNET - and more.
(Click here to read some of our WORKLINX customer testimonials)

Growing Businesses

If you are planning for growth ... and this must be a core goal for any business ... then the WORKLINX Business System Programme will help everyone focus on how they can contribute to achieving your goals.

New commitment to systems, productivity & effectiveness

The WORKLINX Business System Programme is a modern business process including a unique software to improve and record your systems. It’s designed to bring informational technology (I.T.) to traditional business operating procedures compilation and documentation. The procedures your staff need to follow in order to carry out their work correctly, efficiently, in a timely manner and safely will be at their fingertips.  With WORKLINX they will have accurate best practice procedures to follow. Their work habits will be based on known tried and tested best practice.

Harry's resigned!!!
Click here to go to the official Harry's Resigned Website
There goes half of what we know about everything we do! Nobody else knows how to do it?

You have just lost a valuable employee!

Why did it happen? Did you conduct an exit interview? Do you know what could have avoided the problem? Have you written a Job Description for the replacement? Do you need a replacement? Your WORKLINX consultant will help you avoid the problem happening again and certainly assist defining and recording the work which is now at risk. You also have a powerful orientation tool for the replacement employee because your database will have the information available.

You already have Business Manuals

You have invested in comprehensive business manuals but suspect many of these documented procedures are not ‘linked’ to daily work. Are they on a shelf collecting dust?  Your WORKLINX consultant can show you how this resource can come to life ... and you won’t have to rework your data because the system is designed to make the links between what people do and how they should do it.

You have poorly designed Job Descriptions - or none at all

Your WORKLINX Systembuilder analyses and records ‘what your employees do’ ... it’s not a top down process .... it’s bottom up. What people do now represents your business systems. By recording this information in a logical database, a comprehensive record of your business systems is built. Once these are in place, you have the basis of a complete business operating system. And in the WORKLINX software it’s a dynamic, living database, ready for implementation on a daily basis ... where the work is done - because everyone has their own procedures to follow.

You also have an invaluable staff recruitment information resource because you can show prospective employees precisely what they will do and establish their level of knowledge BEFORE they are employed.

You are a Franchisor - or plan to franchise your business

The WORKLINX Business System Programme provides the ideal platform to detail your complete operating systems design. And, WORKLINX Systems Limited can provide a fully integrated system update procedure ... run through an intranet system ... to ensure franchisees maintain and refer to your CURRENT procedures.

You’re an organisation rather than a business

The WORKLINX Business System Programme is ideal for an organisation or a business. People who ‘do things’ need systems to ensure others do ‘their work’ according to best practice e.g., the Health Sector has many areas where WORKLINX is ideal to establish audit level systems which can be monitored as required by Regulation.


Use of the WORKLINX System Builder Programme can be of great benefit to almost any business or organisation no matter the size or number of employees.  By capturing best practices, standard operating procedures and the very basic tasks employees do daily, WORKLINX can return real, measurable results almost immediately.

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The 7 Pillars of WORKLINX - Click on each one to find out more!
#1 Procedures | #2 Staffing & H.R. | #3 Resources | #4 Tailored Start-up
#5 Ongoing Support & Development
| #6 Hazard Management | #7 Training
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Training | What Is Worklinx | Work Examples | WX CBT Sample

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