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WORKLINX Trademark Guidelines


The products of WORKLINX Ltd empower business owners and employee to efficiently create Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) and capture daily operations in one, simple to use software program, WORKLINX System Builder Software™. This enables owners and managers to deliver the best practices needed to grow their business by ensuring all of their employees understand their jobs and their relevance to that growth. It also allows employees to engage their clientele with professional and timely service. WORKLINX System Builder Software™ trademarks identify our products so that consumers know they are buying WORKLINX's high-quality products and services. WORKLINX has gained valuable rights by the proper and continuous usage of trademarks to identify its goods and services. If a trademark is used improperly, its value can become diluted or generic. Properly using our trademarks by following these trademark usage guidelines protects and preserves the value of our trademarks and the WORKLINX brand.

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, device, design, phrase, sound, or color adopted and used by WORKLINX Ltd. to identify its goods and services and to distinguish them from other goods and services. Trademarks are usually noted with either a ™ , a © or an ® symbol. In New Zealand, a trademark that is noted by a ™ has not been registered with the New Zealand Patent and Trademark Office and a trademark noted with an © has been registered with the New Zealand Patent and Trademark Office. Trademarks, however, may also be registered internationally and each country has different laws regarding the proper notation of trademarks.

Referential trademark usage

You may use a WORKLINX trademark or product name to refer specifically to such WORKLINX product in marketing and promotional materials, books, conferences, applications, demonstrations, and so on. You are permitted to use a WORKLINX trademark referentially provided that:

  • You adhere to these WORKLINX Trademark Usage Guidelines.
  • You do not disparage WORKLINX or WORKLINX products and services.
  • You display your name or logo more prominently than any WORKLINX trademark.
  • You include a disclaimer that WORKLINX does not sponsor, affiliate, or endorse your product, and/or services.

General trademark usage guidelines

Use appropriate markings. Always capitalize the product name and designate the trademark with the appropriate ™ or © or ® symbol. Also, the first usage or most prominent usage of a WORKLINX product name must be used in conjunction with the WORKLINX™ trademark and in the same type size, font, color and line.


The business capabilities of WORKLINX™ are excellent.


The business capabilities of WORKLINX Software © are excellent.

    • Use WORKLINX trademarks as adjectives. Always use WORKLINX trademarks as adjectives that describe the generic product. A trademark is an adjective to be used with the noun it modifies.


WORKLINX Software © creates great job descriptions.

Also, because a trademark is an adjective, it should never be used as a possessive or in the plural form.


WORKLINX's extensibility . . .


The extensibility of WORKLINX Software ©

    • Do not use any WORKLINX trademark as your trademark, service mark, trade name, domain name, product name, or logo. WORKLINX trademarks identify the goods and services of WORKLINX, Ltd. No third-party may use any WORKLINX trademark as their trademark, service mark, trade name, domain name, product name, or logo. You must have your own distinct trademark, service mark, trade name, domain name, product name, or logo that does not include any WORKLINX trademarks. You may, however, referentially use the WORKLINX trademark in connection with your product. Also, you may not use a variation, combination, or abbreviation of a WORKLINX trademark.


Business Builder Software for use with WORKLINX Software ©.

    • Attribute ownership of WORKLINX trademarks to WORKLINX. When you refer to a WORKLINX trademark, please include the following notice of trademark attribution where appropriate, such as on your product, printed materials, and online.


WORKLINX and Business Builder are trademarks or registered trademarks of WORKLINX Ltd in New Zealand and/or other countries.

Specific trademark usage guidelines

  • Logos. You may not use any WORKLINX logos (including buttons and graphic symbols) without a trademark license from WORKLINX. All usage of trademark logos shall be pursuant to these guidelines and any other guidelines associated with that logo.
  • Merchandise items. You may not manufacture, sell, or give away merchandise items, such as T-shirts and mugs, bearing WORKLINX trademarks or logos, except pursuant to an express written trademark license from WORKLINX.
  • Slogans and tag lines. You may not use or imitate a WORKLINX slogan or tag line such as "Business Builder Software."

WORKLINX Ltd. trademarks

This list is posted solely for your convenience. WORKLINX, Ltd. does not waive any rights to any WORKLINX trademark, service mark, trade name, product name, or logo that does not appear on this list. The symbols below denote status of the trademark in New Zealand only. WORKLINX trademarks may also be registered internationally.

  • WORKLINX Software ©
  • WORKLINX System Builder Software™
  • WX™

Third-party trademarks

Third-party trademarks, trade names, product names and logos, contained in this web site may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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#1 Procedures | #2 Staffing & H.R. | #3 Resources | #4 Tailored Start-up
#5 Ongoing Support & Development
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WORKLINX Software is © COPYRIGHT 1999
All Rights Reserved. All Information on this Page is © COPYRIGHT WORKLINX Systems Limited
WORKLINX ® and WX™ are Trademarks of WORKLINX Systems Limited Rotorua New Zealand
ThinkLab Web Design © 2004